The Cowells
Simon and Jess (with CMS), are university staff workers with the GBU(the university Christian group), responsible for groups in Puglia,southern Italy and have lived in Bari for the last 6 years.
The heart of this university work is to train students and leaders in Bible reading, evangelism and discipleship, in a country where many people identify as Catholics, but do not attend church. Simon and Jess are also involved in the leadership and ministry of their local church.
For further information follow the link below:
our mission partners

For over 160 years Anglicare has been serving people in need - providing care to older people and services to the vulnerable. Anglicare’s staff and volunteers serve more than 60,000 people across the Sydney Diocese and beyond in over 130 locations. Caring for older people in residential care homes and supporting independence through home care services. Creating vibrant retirement living communities and providing safe and affordable homes for people over 55. Assisting children, families and those experiencing social isolation through their many community services. Mobilising Disaster Recovery volunteers in times of crisis. And helping to effect change through their research and advocacy.
1300 111 278
zambia's child
Their goal is to transform communities in Zambia through quality, Christ-centred education, and community development activities. The key focus of their work is Ipalo Christian School, which educates the most vulnerable students within the communities of Kasompe & Chingola, in the Copperbelt region in the north of Zambia. As well as providing a quality education for the students, they also provide them nutritious meals, primary health care & boarding facilities. The wider community is also served through the provision of adult literacy & other education.
If you would like to find out more, just follow the link below:

Since 1860, St Georges has supported the work of Bible Society in Kiama Local Government Area (casually called the Gerringong/ Jamberoo/ Kiama Action Group). The membership is made up of congregants from the Anglican, Baptist, Catholic and Uniting Churches. At times people from further afield have visited for Bible Society events.
Members enjoy the benefits of the ecumenical group with a time of catching up and rich fellowship.
What began as the British and Foreign Bible Society a couple of centuries ago, has become the United Bible Societies worldwide network, of which Bible Society Australia is a member. Bible Society Australia exists to impact and influence Australia and the world by opening the Bible to all people everywhere by all means possible. To this end it is involved in the translation, printing and distribution of the Bible, particularly in people’s heart language. BSA supports Bible Societies of other countries financially.
We have three main annual activities.
Coffee events are held at a host church, in a rotation system, towards the end of the calendar year. There is an excellent guest speaker who shares encouraging and informative information of activities of Bible Societies in a focus project or country. Over the years we gain a picture of the important worldwide activity of Scripture distribution. This event begins with an always tasty spread for morning tea. A freewill offering is taken for the designated project, such as Aboriginal literacy, hospitalised children in South America or Bibles for rural people in China.
Annual AGM and Prayer Morning. Again a well-known guest speaker with a slide presentation or YouTube with informative and encouraging content, showing how God is working in His world through the Scriptures. A freewill offering is again donated to a focused project.
An annual Youth Event is held in November each Year. The young people are greatly encouraged by meeting fellow young Christians from other places.
To learn more about Bible Society, to make a donation or to get involved visit the link below.