Frequently Asked Questions
If you haven't been to church for a while, or you have never been, you might be wondering what our services are like…

How long does the service last?
We try to start our services on time and they usually last for about an hour to an hour and a half. There is morning tea after each morning service and dinner after the evening service. You are free to stay as long as you want to chat, or leave at the end of the service - it's up to you. Generally, you'll find people are pretty friendly.
What should I wear?
Gerringong is a beachside village on the South Coast of NSW. It is a popular holiday destination, especially in summer when the population seems to more than double. There is, of course, no dress-code. Most people just dress to suit the area & season.
I'm not sure if I believe all this stuff.
Our aim at Gerringong Anglican is to introduce you to Jesus. If you just want to try out church, then by all means come along and check us out. If you have honest questions then ask them. Doubts? Express them. That's why we are here. Especially after the service talk to someone over coffee - we won't give you a high pressure sales pitch, just a friendly chat.
What about my children?
Gerringong Anglican is a kids-friendly church. The family service at 10 am is where we run our children's activities, however, children are welcome at any service. Kids @ Church runs each Sunday morning during our 10 am service for children in years K-6. All our kids leaders have undergone child safety training. There is also a “crying room” set up in the church during the 10am service for babies and younger children. Don't be at all concerned about your children, regardless of their age.

What if I do the wrong thing at the wrong time?
You won't, and if you did then no one would mind. We usually stand up to sing and stay seated for most of the rest of the time. If you are unsure then don't sit in the front row and just do what the people in front of you do. All churches have a few traditions, but ours are very few. If you are unsure about anything just ask the person next to you. We do try to make "going to church" as easy as possible.
What do you do in church?
We sing a few songs (hymns at 8am and modern Christian songs at 10am and 6pm), the service leader prays, sometimes we respond with prayers from a prayer projected onto a screen (or a prayerbook at 8am). We read the Bible and we hear a talk about a passage from the Bible. The talk goes for about 20 minutes and our ministers are very good speakers, so you'll find that the time flies by.
Which service should I go to?
They're all good, and it's really a matter of preference. The 8am service is a more traditional style, with classic hymns being the norm, along with set forms of service from a modern prayer book. At 10am, the feel is more contemporary, and it's designed to work for families, but that doesn't mean older people will feel uncomfortable. The evening service is designed as a Youth service but ages of regular attendees range from 15 to about 80! We try to cater for all tastes, so try one service and if it doesn't suit, try another.